Home PortSwigger Labs - Stored DOM XSS

PortSwigger Labs - Stored DOM XSS


Link: https://portswigger.net/web-security/cross-site-scripting/dom-based/lab-dom-xss-stored


A comment feature is implemented within each post in the page

We can test each field for XSS, starting with the simple <scriptalert(1)</script.

Some filtering is in place.

We can study the source code of the page to see whether the escaping is performed client side.
Something interesting pops up:

Zooming into the javascript file we can analyze the code: Some HTML characters are escaped

And this is what the function escapeHTML does

It sanitizes the characters < and `` by using the replace() function. However such function will only replace the first instance of the value.

We can easily bypass the escaping by prepending < to our payload.

However < <scriptalert(1)</script doesn’t seem to work.
At this point we can try a bunch of different payloads and see whether the XSS is triggered or not.

Payload <<img src=q onerror=alert(1) is successful.

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